Continued – The Greater Depression – Catalyst for Change
The Flux Government of the Joint Chiefs.
It was mid June of 2020 before all the Corporate militias were reigned in, and the work camps disbanded. Under the guidance of the Joint Chiefs, the States (with their earlier borders now recognized again) were given an outline for action. Recognizing that partisan bickering would only hold back the work that had to be accomplished, the Joint Chiefs issued nine decrees that were not put to a vote of any kind. On July 4th, 2020, the ‘Nine Rules of Reformation’ were imposed by the interim Federal Government established by the Joint Chiefs, and would later be drafted into official legislation after the Reformation, becoming the 29th Amendment.
The Nine Rules of Reformation
Rule 1. The aforementioned Article, known as the ’28th Amendment’, is hereby withdrawn and abolished.
Rule 2. All seizure of Property made under the powers of the 28th Amendment, in either Real Estate, Consumable items, Investment, or Cash, is now considered null and void. Ownership of all real property shall fall back to the previous holder of record.
Rule 3. No person, Corporation, or other entity, shall be allowed to amass a private military force. While Militias will be allowed under the original Articles of the Constitution, they will not be allowed to incorporate, act on behalf of an entity other than Federal, State or Local authority without being duly deputized, and must be kept to a membership of less than one thousand.
Rule 4. The restoration of the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ shall be immediate and henceforth irrevocable.
Rule 5. The Congress shall move to incorporate a third party, with ideology leaning neither left nor right, in an effort to balance not only rhetoric, but the ability of the Legislative to accomplish the job of Governance.
Rule 6. No Law shall be established that infringes upon the fundamental right of an individual to gather information, or have said information kept from them purposefully, in order to limit a person’s personal choices. As with Attorney/Client privilege, Doctor/Patient Privilege shall be unalterable by Law.
Rule 7. The Separation of Church and State shall be complete and absolute. Individuals may worship how they wish, if they wish, where-ever their practices and faiths dictate, so long as the Rights and Freedoms of others are not infringed. Laws with not be enacted solely on the basis of Religious Belief, without proper and secular acceptable grounds.
Rule 8. Due to the restructuring needed to restore infrastructure, and in keeping with the spirit of safety and security therein, “Project Safeway” shall remain the Law of the Land. The Safeway infrastructure, while resting upon the Sovereign grounds of the States, shall itself remain Federal Property, as shall any and all property beneath.
Rule 9. Apart from those in Military Service, who fall under the direct Jurisdiction of the Joint Chiefs, no Federal Employee will be allowed to carry a firearm while serving the People through Federal Employment. New methods to protect and subdue without harm are to be instituted.
The New Continental Congress of 2020
With the Nine Rules as a starting point, each State held elections to send temporary representatives to Washington D.C., and on October 15, 2020 the ‘New Continental Congress’ convened in the House of Representatives. Thirteen regions were established, and Justices were selected from each one to populate a seat on the Supreme Court. With the rebuilding of the Legislative and Judiciary, it was decided that the election of a President could wait until the hard decisions of rebuilding had been started.
By August of 2021, most of the institutions of Governance had been restored, but the damage to the America Population had been done. With their faith in the system tarnished, or outright destroyed, the population looked for ways to guarantee that their Government would never again be hijacked by forces set on dictatorial rule. To this end, the New Senate and House began a series of Official Hearings, to determine the facts that had led to the near destruction of America. The ‘Reformation Hearings’, as they are now known, served as a basis for new laws, and indeed new social outlooks, that shaped the landscape of a New America. (21)
The First President of the New Era was sworn into office on January 20th, 2024. Young Kim, the Representative from California, won the popular vote in November 2023, to become the first Asian American President in American History. Representing a new party known only as the ‘Moderates’, President Kim spent her first term reestablishing old alliances, and making amends on the world stage for the actions of her predecessors. While presenting a no nonsense, strong view on Domestic Policy, Kim held much more isolationist views on foreign policy, giving America the time it needed to get it’s own affairs in order.